Did you know that dental crowns can be used on children’s teeth? There are numerous situations where an oral crown could be the greatest possibility for a child. We’ve assembled this info on when that could be the case; please let us know right away if you feel your child could be helped from being installed with a dental crown.
It’s no secret that children love candy and sweet treats, but unfortunately those things can leave children with major cavities. Dental crowns can be used for children with cavities so serious that they’re not able to be filled. Another use of dental crowns for children is to protect children who are at risk for tooth erosion and periodontal disease, like children with diabetes or children who don’t maintain good dental hygiene habits. Finally, dental crowns may be able to replace the use of anesthetic procedures for children who do not meet the requirements for such procedures.
You can contact the DentalWorks staff at 903-675-0023 now to arrange your next appointment at the Athens, Texas, office of Dr. Jennifer Morgan. In our office, we strive to treat everyone like family. You can expect the best service from our team.