Thumb-Sucking Can Be Detrimental to Your Child’s Oral Health

Does your child continually suck their thumbs causing you to worry about the long-term effects this may have on their teeth? The truth is that sucking thumbs can affect a child’s oral health, so you must take the necessary steps to help them recover. Thumb-sucking can be detrimental to your child’s oral health. Not only can it stunt the growth... read more »

Cavity Treatment for your Kids

Sometimes, despite your best efforts to get your children to brush and floss on a regular basis, they can still develop cavities in their baby teeth. Don’t feel bad, this happens fairly commonly. Kids love sugar and can often miss places while brushing, which can make these types of things happen. When this does happen, we know it can be... read more »

How To Care for Your Child’s Oral Health

Your child’s oral care is vital to their long-term health, and we know you want to do everything you can to protect their smile. That’s why we at DentalWorks have come up with this handy guide of the most important things you can do to ensure your child has healthy teeth and gums for years to come. Having your child... read more »

The One and Only Wonderful, Fantastic, Amazing, Spectacular Pediatrics Quiz!

Pediatric dentistry is dentistry designed for young children and infants. Pediatric dentists not only must complete their entire dental school training but also complete an additional 2-3 years of specialized training. However, the task of taking care of a child’s mouth ultimately depends on the caregiver. Do you know how to care for your child’s oral health? Take the quiz... read more »

Teething Remedies for Your Children

When your child is born, they already have many of their baby teeth. However, none of the teeth have broken the surface of the gums yet, which is referred to as a tooth eruption. The first tooth eruption typically takes place between the age of 6 to 10 months. Sadly, the process can cause the child discomfort, known as teething.... read more »

The Facts About Your Child’s Oral Habits

If you’ve ever raised a child, protecting their health has probably been a high priority. You may also understand that teaching them good habits can help them stay healthy well into their adult life. As you may have guessed, the same applies to your dental health. In reality, there are a few things you can do to help your child... read more »

Excellent Techniques for Preventing Cavities

Cavities, also commonly referred to as tooth decay, occur when tooth enamel is broken down by plaque. Preventing cavities takes a minimal amount of effort, but it must be employed on a daily basis. The more you do to prevent cavities, the safer your mouth will be. As the new year begins to open its doors to us, we must... read more »

Holiday Gifts to Brighten Your Child’s Smile

Statistics show that tooth decay affects 60-90% of teenagers and adults, (WHO) and tooth decay is the most common disease among children in the U.S., (AGA). That's the bad news. The good news is that tooth decay is preventable with diligent daily attention. Our dentists, Drs. Boozer, Lindsey, Massey, Shuttlesworth, Airheart, and Flanders are pleased to be able to help... read more »

Three Oral Care Tips for Your Child’s Smile

Do you worry about your child’s teeth? If so, you are not alone. Parents understand that children don't take their smile as seriously as we do, so it lies with us to make sure they are taking good care of their teeth for a healthy future foundation. To learn how to properly brush your child’s smile, please follow these teeth-brushing... read more »