If you want to help your child develop and keep their oral health strong, you’ll want to have them brush and floss but also consume healthy foods and drinks. As they grow, help them have proper jaw growth, strengthen and remineralize their chompers and stay hydrated to keep their mouth and saliva healthier. Today we’re talking about how you can... read more »
If you are expecting, congratulations! Motherhood is an amazing time, and you will want to take especially good care of your teeth and gums because of the new hormonal changes in your body. It is not just for your smile protection either; these hormones put you at higher risk of gum disease, which can impact your growing baby. Severe gum... read more »
With the weather getting warmer and the days getting longer, your child is likely looking forward to spending more time enjoying the great outdoors. If so, sunscreen and mosquito repellant are not the only protection they may need. Their smile is vulnerable to the sports they play and the summer treats they indulge in. Here are some tips to help... read more »
As a parent, you might wonder why dental checkups are important since your young child will eventually lose their baby teeth. But tooth decay is bad for your child, even if the tooth with a cavity falls out on its own. Your child’s oral health affects their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Tooth decay is a bad environment for your... read more »
Halloween is lurking around the corner, but so is the coronavirus, making traditional Halloween parties trickier. This year, big parties and parades, creepy haunted houses, and gathering in crowds to trick-or-treat are off the table for many, or at the very least, downsized and held outdoors while social distancing. While the traditional ways of celebrating Halloween may look different this... read more »
With the summer of 2020 coming to a close, families have had to adapt to the coronavirus pandemic and conform with state and county regulations. Schooling has been one area where hard decisions have been made with new rules to keep others safe. Whether your child is attending classes in school or online, keeping their smile healthy is paramount no... read more »
Your child’s baby teeth usually and gradually fall out as their adult teeth come in. There are times when a baby tooth is so damaged that our dentist may recommend placing a dental crown (a protective cover) over the tooth to save and protect it. Our team would much rather do this than pulling the tooth and leaving it under... read more »
With summer in full swing, your family is likely busy with a new routine involving cookouts, sleepovers, camping, vacationing abroad, or even just hanging around the house and a staycation. What you’re likely not doing is getting the kids up for school and keeping to an established oral hygiene routine. No matter what your family is doing to enjoy the... read more »
Summer is a great time to encourage your child to eat better. Serving healthy meals and snacks provides needed nutrition while supporting healthy eating habits. Tooth-friendly snacks can help keep cavities, gum disease and other health conditions like obesity and diabetes from developing. Let’s dive into a healthy summertime “menu” to help your growing child’s smile thrive! Most Important Meal... read more »