Picking the right menu for you and your family has become harder than ever. Fast, delicious treats saturate our options, but their taste and convenience often come at the expenditure of our health. We’ve amassed a list of some foods you can watch out for when creating menus beneficial to your dental health. Read on below to find out more:... read more »
If your child’s tooth enamel is weak, that’s not the best sign. There is a chance harmful substances, like bacteria and acid, can attack the enamel and create dental issues. So, it’s best to do all you can to help your child’s enamel gain its strength back so they could have a strong and healthy smile. The best thing you... read more »
Did you grow up exchanging your baby teeth for coins or gifts with a mysterious entity called “The Tooth Fairy”? If so, you may be curious to know exactly how the tooth fairy tradition came about. Losing teeth has been the focus of myth for thousands of years. Vikings used children’s teeth as good luck charms in battle. In Medieval... read more »
If you are looking to enhance the oral health of your child, you should recall the proper mechanics of brushing. In their early years, your children will be too young to brush their own teeth, or even understand what brushing is for. However, as long as you are persistent in brushing their teeth twice daily, it will be burned into... read more »
If you are a parent or caregiver of a baby, you probably think giving your child a bottle at naptime or bedtime is harmless; after all, baby teeth will fall out, to be replaced by permanent teeth. The truth is, baby teeth are still at risk for cavities. Since these first teeth ensure adult teeth come in correctly, it is... read more »
Going to the dental office can be a very scary task for most children. They are entering a place they are not familiar with which can cause a great deal of fear and discomfort. If your child is afraid of going to DentalWorks, then here are a few tips that may help make their next visit more enjoyable. Tip No.... read more »
The molars and premolars in the back of your child’s mouth are important for efficiently chewing and grinding the foods they eat. It’s relatively common for permanent back teeth to emerge from the gums with deep textures in the tooth enamel on the biting surfaces. These areas could potentially trap bacterial deposits and food material, fostering a large cavity. To... read more »
You probably know that there are a few simple steps you’ll need to take if you’re interested in keeping your teeth healthy and strong. You may know that you should brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes at a time. You might also know that you should clean the areas your brush can’t reach by flossing. However, would... read more »
The basics of brushing for infants and young children is up to you. Your children cannot take care of their teeth, so you must do it for them. From the time their first tooth grows in and every day until they are old enough to accomplish the task themselves, you must be there to keep their teeth safe and clean.... read more »
Has your child begun to show signs that they are teething? If so, it is crucial to help them deal with the sometimes-painful condition. Teething is entirely natural in all children, as it is merely the process of teeth sprouting up above the gum line. However, it can often cause discomfort and pain for the child, so various treatment services... read more »